I just want to talk about the Bible
Everything we discuss on this podcast is in some way connected to the Scriptures and will hopefully encourage you with your walk with the Lord.
Podcasting since 2020 • 105 episodes
I just want to talk about the Bible
Latest Episodes
105. Sumpatheō (What is God like? Part 3)
In today's episode, we continue to address the two questions that we introduced back in episode 103:1) What is God like?2) What does He think about me?Other episodes referenced in this one:
104. Splagchnizomai (What is God like? Part 2)
Today we continue to ask the questions of, "What is God like," and, "What does He think about me and feel towards me?"Other episodes referenced in this one:Episode 24: Th...
103. Two critical questions we all must answer (What is God like? Part 1)
In this episode we look at two questions and how what we believe to be the answers to those two questions will affect everything we think, feel, and do.Other episodes referenced in this one: